How could hospitals possibly keep up with mounting pressure, or tackle increasing staff shortages, when highly educated nurses are still tied up loading trolleys or opening packaging, instead of caring for their patients, or for themselves? Something must change. It’s time to start eliminating non-value added activities in and round the OR, and make room for what truly matters.
9 out of 10 surveyed nurses said that a lack of time had caused them to drop one or more needed care activities on their last shift¹.
Find out where, and how much, resources are normally wasted on non-value added activities before, during and after surgical procedures.
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Éliminez les tâches sans valeur ajoutée et faites de la place pour ce qui compte vraiment. Contactez dès aujourd’hui votre représentant commercial Mölnlycke et découvrez comment votre établissement pourrait gagner en efficacité au bloc opératoire.
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- Ref: Ball JE, Murrells T, Rafferty AM, et al. ‘Care left undone’ during nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care. BMJ Qual Saf [Internet]. 2014 Feb 1;23(2):116–25. Available from: